Be Natural Autobiopic Alice Guy Blache

Be Natural Autobiopic Alice Guy Blache

mercredi 20 février 2008

"Pit and the Pendulum" Orator David Kurlan

Folkways and Edgar Allen Poe...Folkways records released this version of the Pit & the Pendulum in 1967, the orator is David Kurlan. I was abe to dig up a little about his Broadway work, mostly roles in musicals. He also did a couple of other Folkways voice overs. His reading is straight forward and very effective, kind of like the polar opposite of the Lou Reeds double CD nightmare based on Edgar Allan Poe. The LP comes with a small pamphlet containing instructions for teachers as well a sheet of transparency images for the old mimeograph...

Edgar A. Poe Dernières heures mornes October Dreary – Dernières aventures extraordinaires «mosaïque psychédélique» Alexandre Mathis

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